It's a shame all those millions of gallons of saved water from toilet conversions are simply allowed to leak out of broken pipes the cities and counties refuse to maintain properly.
FSU QB: Real men don't hit women
People using cellphones that verbally announce callers are really obnoxious.
Capital vs. capitol. There's a difference. The capitol is the building.
I'd be willing to bet that Trump has used illegal workers before. You can bet his contractors did, do you think the lazy, fat Americans are going to put down their cell phones long enough to build Trump Tower?
Why are property valuations up 17 percent in DeKalb County? We have to keep paying indicted public officials salaries.
"American by birth, Southern by the Grace of God!" I agree 101 percent. And I'm not a fan of the Confederate flag.
Why is it that virtually every call center makes you navigate countless prompts, enter your account number, passwords, etc., only to then require you go through the same series of questions when you finally get to speak to a real person?
As a gay man I don't understand trying to force a business to sell a wedding cake that objects for religious reasons. Find a gay-owned bakery or any bakery that wants to sell cakes to whomever wants to buy it.
Everyone gets offended by something. It's just that some people feel their offense is more valid than others.
If you say you suffer because of discrimination but feel it is O.K. for you discriminate for whatever reason, you are getting back what you are dishing out. (Do unto others.)
Tremendous disappointment with the Cosby scandal, after years of respect, admiration and thoroughly enjoying his entertainment. I have sadness for the victims.
As an independent centrist I find neither the far right religious Republicans or the far left socialist Democrats to be friends. Both groups oppose freedom in their way. Both groups are about controlling others. I want both of those groups to lose power. Where are the centrist candidates we can elect who are not in someone's pocket?
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