Come on gas prices, how low can you go!

I have a problem with the big box stores asking for donations because they then take my donation and give it to charity under their name and take the tax write-offs. I'd rather give on my own, thank you.

I read these Vents and wonder, "How many of these people ever passed a history course?"

I am sure that the new revised budget for the Falcons stadium will produce a winning season. How about playing in the existing dome and use the money to fix the roads?

France would love to have all those states from the Louisiana Purchase back. Where do you think most of the food, precious minerals and oil come from? I forgot they don't teach that in school any more.

Who is paying for the enormous police presence at NFL games and escorts for motorcades, etc?

If the big box store chain policies bother you, stop shopping there. Otherwise you do support their policies.

The DeKalb Farmers Market has raised their prices on their beautiful baked goods again by $1 on most items. Are prices rising so significantly due to their expansion? If they keep this up, they may not need to expand.

Wait a minute! The head of the Georgia House of Representatives committee on Tax Policy is retiring. Who would have guessed? Georgia has a committee on tax policy? Really!

Could everyone that puts out Christmas decorations please turn them on in the morning? That way children going to school could see them!

Net neutrality means the Internet stays like we have it now. Cruz wants the big corporations to control it so we peons have to pay more to play on their highways. They get the high speed Lexus lanes and we get the slow crawl like Atlanta traffic.

'Liz" Lauten, don't let the door-knob hit you on the way out!

If you put a piece of holiday ribbon on the handle of your suitcase, it's easier too spot it as it comes down the carousel.

The over-60 crowd is reluctant to try new products so advertisers target younger, more easily influenced people. That is why their music is played on more stations.