Everyone is so angry and unhappy, maybe everyone needs to put down the phones and tablets and get off the computer and go outside and try to reconnect with your fellow man.

Republican, Democrats, black, white, gay or straight and all in between really just want the same things: a home, security, respect, a good life and to love and be loved. We all basically want the same things no matter our differences.

It's perfectly understandable why a Clinton supporter would want to talk about her opponents rather than her own dismal public record of deceit and obfuscation.

Instead of Venting, get out and vote – and write your Congresspersons of both parties to tell them you are sick and tired of their kowtowing to the ultra-rich and have had enough. Two letters typed or handwritten. Today, not some day.

Blame guns, flags, parenting, education, etc. But never, ever blame the actual person.

Do some of you people get up in the morning determined to be offended by something?

Every skin color has racists. But, "excusing or explaining" their murders by calling them insane is just too easy. They got that hatred from what's being expressed around them and to them. Racism isn't a just a mental illness, it is a learned response.

Sagging pants around one's knees is not about race. It's about having no class or self respect.

Iran is willing to sign an agreement with us provided we lift all sanctions and they are not required to make any concessions. Who could argue with a deal like that?

From now on when the PC tell me they are offended I'll say: "Good – your pettiness offends me. If you try to get a life. you would probably be a lot happier."