Why do we worry so much about putting murderers to death in a way that isn’t painful or cause them any suffering? They certainly didn’t give that same consideration to their victims so why should they get off so easily?

I had no idea Dennis Rodman had a substance abuse problem……I just thought he was insane.

And you trust Iran to live up to its promise to dismantle its nuke program? Ha.

Did anyone else see Bernice King texting during her Father’s service. Unbelievable!

If you use free Wi-Fi in airports or ANYWHERE, surf the net, send email, read the blogs, but don’t do banking, purchase online with a credit card, or any other activities that require personal information. We’re talking common sense here, not rocket science!

I don’t know about the original poster….but I have a P.O. Box because I have had a problem with mail being stolen from my mailbox at home and I don’t seem to get any mail that belongs to other people….Small price to pay for mail security.

Anyone who says that GA drivers are the worst in the world hasn’t traveled much.

I’m so tired of reading vents that tell other people how to spend their money. Mind your own business.

So the average postal worker makes $25 an hour. Does anyone wonder why the postal service is billions in debt? And postage stamps are going up again.

You have to ASK the bank to close you mother’s account. They don’t just willy-nilly close accounts.

Make pot legal? I guess next you will be able to purchase it with your welfare checks right? Keep you not only lazy but stupid and drugged as well.

Does the venter use “legal” chemicals to “enjoy life’?

How many days a year do teachers work? Every time I look at my neighbors, who are teachers, they are having a holiday. What gives besides my taxes?