The more I learn about Obamacare, the smarter Sen. Ted Cruz looks for trying to derail it.

If you think the Vent is busy now, wait until next fall when people start losing their employer-provided health plans due to Obamacare.

Tom Cruise should be forced to join the military for 6 months and then come back and say his job is as hard.

Maybe if more people studied anthropology, history, and social science, we wouldn't have to repeat so many of our past mistakes.

No real church preaches hatred. A Christian organization treats people the same and preaches love and patience. If your church does otherwise, you should find another church.

Dear Vent person, when I vote a vent up or down, sometimes the number goes in the opposite direction. Are you helping the Feds work on their health care web site?

It's better to be thought a fool, than to post a stupid vent and remove all doubt!

Don't blame pastors for not educating fake believers; most of them leave the Bible in their car until they walk into church the next time.

If MARTA had been accepted and expanded since its inception, we would not have these issues with the Falcons, Braves and businesses locating in Atlanta.

Private investors often are not risking their own money. If they lose money, they just figure out a way to charge the loss to any clients or customers.

Women will decide the next presidential race. The candidate must be pro-women's rights, pro-children, pro-education…progressive.