Background checks? Didn't Adam Lanza's mother buy the guns?

I know the pollen count is high and everything is yellow but remember, we don't have to shovel pollen.

I lived in the country years ago and I can't remember the number of abandoned kittens and puppies I took to the animal shelter. Why are people so cruel to abandon them?

When you think you're right all of the time—you're wrong.

No matter what form of energy we use, there will be benefits and disadvantages. There is no way not to make an impact on the environment.

Pollen season=Plant orgy!

"Hill keeps low profile this time". Now that's funny!

The Department of Education was formed under President Carter in 1979, not Bush but the No Child Left Behind Act was all Bush's baby!

What's up with Lakeside City and Tucker? Inquiring minds want to know.

Regressives can't be proactive. That's against their agendas.

The mutterings of Dick Cheney are about as important as the crazed talk from schizophrenics wandering the streets.

Ronald Reagan should have been impeached for his criminal actions leading up to the Iran-Contra scandel.

What if those stolen guns weren't in people's homes in the first place? Banning guns is not the answer, but it's good to think about it from different viewpoints.

People listen to every word that is whispered to them. Not so much when it is yelled.

Does Obama really think social security is a budget item that affects the deficit?