There was a time when schools taught cursive writing, proper grammar was expected, and students diagrammed sentences to understand subjects and verbs. Language excellence was an indication of being well-educated and a potentially good employee.

The best laws are those you don’t have to be a lawyer to understand.

If you see a baby in a locked car and break a window to rescue it and you have to pay for the window, count me in; I’ll be happy to help.

I will gladly pay for breaking a car window if it saves a child from a hot car.

To the person who spit their chewing gum out onto the parking area in front of the restaurant, thanks for ruining my new shoes — and didn’t your mama teach you anything?

What part of “Return to Sender Addressee Deceased” does the post pffice not understand?

As an employer, I hire people who say y’all, like and you know for warehouse jobs and more intelligent sounding people for the higher paying customer contact positions.

My least favorite is “I mean, you know.”

When underage college players are arrested for DUI or alcohol possession, why isn’t more effort put into forcing them to reveal who provided that alcohol, so they can also be arrested?

That “long sleeve” ball players wear is called a compression sleeve. It is better to be thought of a fool that to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

If nerds are around, your wives and daughters are safe.

I wouldn’t say it to his face, but, compared to the Godzilla from the 50s and 60s, todays version sure looks like he could use a few trips to the salad bar and gym.

The women are safe. Nerds don’t know what to do with them.

Did it occur to you that when you wave someone in from a side street to “be nice,” you are necessarily being rude to the drivers behind you who have the right of way and who might now miss the next light?

I’m sorry I offended you. I accidentally dropped the diaper as my baby was being taken to the emergency room.