Good honest homeowners, who fall on hard times, are usually denied temporary help even though they do not know where there next mortgage payment is coming from. Why should bankruptcy be their only option, when many ingrates get welfare month after month?

It's a little late to complain about Gov. Deal. We knew he was ethically challenged before election day.

Let's see, more baseball games than football games plus higher seat prices equals an Atlanta mayor who bet on the wrong team. You screwed up, Mayor Reed.

I can't believe that people are defending the Duggars. Child molestation is wrong and hiding behind religion does not make it right.

America does not need another Clinton or Bush in the White House.

Politician promises me this, politician promises me that. All I ever see is that politician getting fat.

High prices at the new Cobb County Braves stadium will keep out the Atlanta riff-raff.

I have a serious question for some of my fellow drivers. Please tell me what the attraction of the far left lane is. I often see drivers work their way to that lane and cruise blocking other drivers. Why not cruise in any other lane and leave the far left for passing? Anyone?

How has it come to the notion that folks who don't like dogs and cats are vicious villains? I just don't want them around me. What's wrong with that?

People, stop leaving your car keys in the car while you are pumping gas, crooks are just waiting for the perfect opportunity to steal your car (with your child in it), have you not seen this happen before.

All these reality TV shows are really focused on trying to be the most outrageous and their "stars" are the lowest of the low. That's what sells baby!