If you'd leave your phone in your pocket long enough to have a meal, you wouldn't have to worry about leaving it at the restaurant.

I'm tired of political races where the best choice is nothing more than the lesser of two evils.

Just came back to the states after a week-long business trip to Europe. We're falling further and further behind in education and skills. The next generation of Americans don't stand a chance globally.

The "wars" on drugs and poverty were two of the most misbegotten ideas to come out of Washington in recent memory. Money pits with absolutely no chance for success.

The more we spend on poverty, the more it grows.

Halloween is when we acknowledge our great trust in each other by opening our doors repeatedly to masked strangers.

Gerrymandering = vote fraud.

Just how many more employees has Obama had to add to manage our new "Affordable" Care Act?

If you make investment decisions based off of a "hottest new stocks" article, I bet I can guess how your portfolio is doing.

I saw Elvis. He sat between me and Bigfoot on the UFO.

Why is every single piece of available acreage in Milton now being bulldozed?

Will all the hurricane forecasters now be fired?

Just because movie and sports stars don't make their donations public doesn't mean they aren't helping out.

I thank the GOP every day as they expend their energies trying to block President Obama like they said they would. We see what they're worth as our representatives.