Do these Kim Davis supporters have jobs? I'm sure there are more important issues than someone with a job who refuses to do it!
If you can not or will not do you job you need to quit or be fired. And you believe that also applies to the Muslim who refuses to serve alcohol? Absolutely, yes !
Jeb Bush's quote on Trump wanting to raise tax's on top one percent convinced me to vote for Trump. Thanks.
With Wyden, Blumenthal, and Peters, I think the Iran deal just hit 41 supports in the Senate. No veto necessary.
I really do not understand the hoopla over the Iran deal. It costs nothing to support it. The real test comes when they violate it. We will see then who has the backbone to stand up.
Kim Davis is not being persecuted. She is not above the law and at any time can get out of jail simply by letting gays get marriage licenses. Or, if her conscience doesn't allow her to do that, she should resign and find a job more suitable. After 30 years I assume she could retire if she wants with benefits.
The Supreme Court via Citizens United has empowered the donor class to control all politics. The only two candidates for president who have not accepted donations from corporations and the donor class are Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.
Our politicians represent their donors. We pretend to vote for them but they don't care about us once they are in power. See Donald Trump's quote about his political donations for proof.
Kim Davis is exercising her American freedom and privilege to civil disobedience. You would applaud MLK for doing it. There is really no comparison between securing equal rights for all and denying rights to a specific group of people with whom you judge unworthy.
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