Please tell me how restricting businesses from serving alcohol on Sunday before 12:30 isn't the state practicing Christianity?

Why can't the legislators leave the boundaries alone that were set weeks ago for new cities in DeKalb County?

The people of Tennessee are considering a new designation for the Official State Idiot - probably coming from their legislative circus. Can Georgia send them a truckload of applicants, or should we be the second state to have such an award?

The greatest country in the world pays its workers barely survivable wages and we expect the economy to improve? So what if we can barely eat and pay for transportation to that job, there will be more people in the labor force? Sounds like Russia 1917 to me.

Who determines who is an "uninformed voter?" That sounds like poll testing/testing/qualifications to me. So now you want to turn back the clock to determine who is an acceptable voter?

Reference to the Friday vent about tailgating: They don't see it coming because they are looking down to text.

We will never have mass transit as long as our politicians are owned by highway contractors.

March Madness must have hit the ratty-robed idiot who usually sends me spam.

I want Hillary to win. This country needs a good laugh when Bill gets caught again.

LinkedIn is not a dating site. It is a place for professionals to connect.

Netanyahu is a politician; when his lips are moving he is lying.

A local TV news anchor states coyotes are wild. Wild? I didn't know they were wild. Did you?

Well, pot will be as common as aspirin now that cannibis oil is legal. There goes the country!