Everytime there is a story about vehicle break-ins in a parking garage, at least one person had their iPhone, iPod or laptop stolen. Who leaves expensive electronics in parked cars?
The news placed more emphasis on the Mercedes' worth than they did on the driver and his injuries. Would it have been less news if it was a Ford Escort?
Evidence satellite TV is horribly overpriced: Dish network has $25.5 billion to purchase Sprint. What will that do to wireless bills?
I'm always amazed at the countless ways people interpret the Constitution. Most people think their view is correct and all others are wrong. Reality is often in between.
The comments are always more interesting than the article.
The advent of the Self-Esteem religion says anything that doesn't make you feel good is wrong, whether it's honesty, decency, ethics or morality.
The female body has a special ability to determine which politicians are ignorant of basic physiology.
Since 1973, 142 people have been exonorated and freed from death row after new evidence was uncovered. What if one of those wrongly convicted was your son?
We don't remove speed limits because people speed, so why not require background checks just because some ignore it?
If Fox is "Fair and Balanced", how come every losing GOP Presidential candidate ends up working on Fox as a commentator?
I am fine with conservatives winning the voting in the Vent as long as they continue to lose at the polls.