If someone tries to carjack me with a knife, I don’t know if they want my car or my life -- you really think I would trust ANYTHING they say? I will defend my life always, even if that means taking yours. It’s dumb not to.

The guy who shot the man trying to steal his car? It’s called DSF. (Did Society A Favor)

There are a host of laws on the books all over America that need changing. There are a host of politicians that need a change of scenery. I plan to do my part on both issues.

I am a nobody but I do have one vote and you will not get it if you have shown a lack of interest in the needs of the people who put you in office. Your 15 minutes of fame are almost over.

Glad all these people opposed to guns weren’t around during the Revolutionary War.

Before you begin indicating Kelly Marlow has small children, etc., and that should be taken into consideration when considering jail time, please recall that her lies told were in an effort to take away the freedom of the accused. She and her two cohorts should go to prison for years.

If you are riding your bicycle on a narrow, winding road in the dark and are hit and killed by a motorized vehicle, you will be deemed to have committed suicide.

Folks in Atlanta cannot drive in the rain!

I know doctors, lawyers and engineers that should be delivering pizzas.

Doctors with degrees have nurses who do the hard things. Lawyers with degrees have aides that research everything for them. Engineers design the bridge, people without degrees are the ones who build it. Remember that.

Folks, if you are going to go to the trouble of registering your pet with Home Again Pet Rescuers and including the microchip number, don’t you think it would be of great benefit to upload a photo of your pet? I know I’d like to see a photo to help me keep a lookout for your pet.

On any given day and time it’s a safe bet that either “The Shawshank Redemption” and/or “The Green Mile” is playing on some TV station. The whole world must have seen them by now, so enough already.

Funny you’ll only threaten being on a jury in a “carry law” trial anonymously in a vent. People like you are what’s wrong with the system -- you put passion before the law.

Am I wrong for not liking something?

Hunters have been nearly extinct for decades. Sighting in on an animal with your long range rifle and high powered scope to get a shot at 800 yards doesn’t make you a hunter -- it makes you a sniper. The only true hunters left are bow hunters.

The description of the man thought to have sexually assaulted a 79-year-old woman is priceless: a bald man 25 to 35 years of age.

Boss Sterling, just apologize and all will be okay.

Putting speed limiters on cars to ensure they don’t exceed speed limits would save as many lives as eliminating gun ownership. When the anti-gun movement start crying for that law, then I’ll believe they really care about safety.

Watched a series on PBS last week about Mary and Abraham Lincoln. The venomous racist comments coming from the Southern states (prior to his first election) about Lincoln sounded much like today’s feeds in Facebook or Twitter. Nothing really changes, does it, especially hate?

» Need to vent?