Which insurance do you prefer: one you freely select or one selected by a government bureaucracy forcing you to buy what you may not want or be penalized by the IRS? One is called freedom and the other is called tyranny.
Why doesn't the AJC report that the website company for Obamacare are friends of Michelle Obama??
I'm glad the Romans didn't destroy their stadiums every fifty years or we would not be able to enjoy the wonderful Colosseum as it still exists today.
Why let a pro team that plays 80+ home games leave town and keep a pro team that only plays 8 home games?
The Falcons need to stop drooling over the architectural renderings of the new stadium and start studying their playbooks.
Why do the rules of the road not apply to shopping carts at the grocery store? Talk about distracted driving!!!
Once again athletes find the "me" in team and try to make it a one-man show; instead of knocking the ball down, they tried to intercept it.
Difference between dog and cat owners: you own the dog while the cat owns you.
Don't believe in reincarnation? Look at Toronto's mayor. Then think Chris Farley.
Signed up for a health care plan in about 30 minutes this past Friday. Saw comparison of private plans and had very few hitches and glitches in the registration process. Easier than accessing my cellphone plan and gas bill on line.
Sending cancellation notices was just another attempt by insurance companies to undermine the efforts of President Obama.
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