To my friend who continues to invite me to join her on Twitter: You’re a very nice person but the details of your life aren’t that interesting. Neither are mine.

I took my sister and brother in law to Underground and after being there five minutes, my sister said she was ready to go. There were gangs of teenagers just hanging out everywhere. I have never been back.

Someone please tell me what kind of parent lets their kids roam the streets late at night?

Rich’s taught their sales personnel to take back ANYTHING in a Rich’s bag that had been sold through the store, no matter when. That wonderful customer service killed the company for all of the unscrupulous customers that were out there. Not all crooks carry a gun.

CNN has forever ruined what “Breaking News” really is.

Stand up to the “bullies” and you only have to do it ONCE!

I find overweight people in sports bras and booty shorts much more offensive.

Leaving your baby with a competent, loving boyfriend is one thing. Leaving them with someone with a history of anger, drugs, alcohol or physical abuse is another issue.

Why do we still say “male nurse” instead of just “nurse”? Isn’t it obvious he is a male? And isn’t our modern society pretty much unisex?

To make things easier on employers, I include a stamped, self-addressed envelope and rejection letter with my resume.

I don’t carry a designer purse for you to care. Did it ever occur to you that I like it?

The sad thing about the Malaysian 777 is that it appears that many countries played politics with these people’s lives. Take Vietnam saying that they had the plane on radar, but no one “asked” them if they had any information. Minutes and hours probably mattered to their lives. We will never know.

Went to a party one night and a lady wanted me to “watch her purse” rather than her children. How sad.

The Girl Scout who sold a record number of cookies by asking everyone she met to buy some must have had a lot of people running the other way when they saw her coming.

Companies do NOT have religious beliefs. People do! And people can NOT use the government to force religious positions on others.

How does a Verizon call center employee making $20,000 a year afford a cell phone?

Make steroids mandatory for all professional sport athletes. We are paying for entertainment so put on a show.

What the hell does your religion have to do with someone else’s birth control? Mind your own business!

So mothers shouldn’t leave their kids with boyfriends? In that case they shouldn’t leave them with step-parents either.

The lady was asked to cover up by Planet Fitness and they justify their actions. Why are you all sniping at her? Jealous?

Do employees of Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood have to be Christian? If so, what denomination? What doctrine and dogma must their employees believe to work there? Do they have to make a public statement of faith prior to being hired?

Thank you Hobby Lobby, you just sent me to Michael’s for my Easter crafts!

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