$100 Million to take Obama's family to Africa? The rest of the government is forced to take furlough days, and the "People's House" cotinues to be closed for tours. But we have $100 Million for them to go to Africa.

We need to do more than just "be concerned." We need to pick up our rakes & hoes and march on D.C. and every state capitol, demanding accountability and action for the best.

Obedient people ultimately become slaves so question authority.

Saw a picture of Justin Bieber & his buddy Lil Twist in the Bieb's Ferarri. They both looked like little kids sitting in an adult's car. Oh, that's right. They are.

I have a concrete slab that needs to be removed from my backyard. Do I call the FBI Hoffa task force or a contractor?

You can tell a person does not have integrity when their story changes everyday.

We have money for wars because they take our tax money and spend it on wars instead of giving it back to us like civilized countries do.

I guess the crazies think their Bibles will be taken in the same way they think you can't wish anyone a Merry Christmas anymore.

After 8 years of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, you should not be talking about "integrity" now.

I am already benefiting from Obamacare. You will too when you get that good premium and can't be denied insurance just because you have a pre-existing condition.

Now that we’ve heard actual terrorist events were prevented by telephone NUMBER recording, how can any reasonable American object?