If anyone does not think you pay for Medicare and Social Security, just look at your paycheck. You will also continue to pay for Medicare even after you retire. Not my idea of a freebie.
We have turned education into nothing more than learning to take state tests. What a travesty.
Just because incumbents always have more money for advertising doesn’t mean we should listen to their ads. In fact, it probably means they have been milking the system too long and they need to go.
Don’t feel too sorry for the churches closing to make room for the new stadium. They didn’t have to sell and they were paid far more than their property was worth. Mayor Reed saw to that and took a cut for his efforts.
New York is getting what they voted for -- socialism. So is America.
Looks like half the world’s people are “stuck" on themselves, according to the number of “selfies” that have been taken lately. Find a life!
I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but how can Google maps show what car is in my driveway and yet technology pleads ignorance on this missing plane and 229 people?
You all do know that, statistically speaking, Sex Education is much more effective than teaching abstinence-only, right?
I am an elected member of an association made up of government employees. When I asked to look at the annual budget, the president said they could not have a budget because they didn’t know how much things would cost.
You have no choice but to accept Social Security and Medicare, hate the government or not.
If you can’t afford to tip at least 15%, don’t eat out. At least not in the same place twice.
The fact that liquor and guns do not mix has been proven time and again. Sounds like some of our leaders have been asleep at the wheel.
Remember the bumper sticker that had printed on it "Hire a teenager while they still know everything”? Saying "don’t do that" to a teen is like daring them to.
So if I’m going the speed limit in the left lane I’ll get a ticket while the speeders get a wink and a nod from law officers?
For that promiscuous niece: Any good redneck daddy or brother would have a better suggestion and it involves a shotgun.
Maybe, just maybe Flight MH370 has landed in Shanghai-La and voted they don’t want to be found.
Only criminals use Bitcoins and that includes terrorists.
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