Fellow veterans: In upcoming elections, remember who voted to cut your benefits and allow illegals to keep theirs.

I support Phil Robertson.

When all this lottery money goes to a school, it usually ends up in the pockets of administrators, developers, and contractors. Very little of it ever reaches the students.

When Obama spoke at Nelson Mandela's wake he mentioned Mandela 6 times and himself 14 times.

Why spend all this time and money on the test cheating scandal when the educators who finally admit their guilt are just given a slap on the wrist with no jail time?

Georgia is receiving $50 million for the educational "Race to the Top Program." What happened to the first $350 million Georgia received?

Anyone who requires a Social Security number doesn't get my business.

I haven't seen the Coca Cola Christmas ads either. I miss their Christmas Santa in particular!

So Don Balfour is found "not guilty." If all the problems were just mistakes, how come they were all in his favor?

The lottery winner asked for privacy, which led media outlets to stick a camera into her front door and harass her with phone calls.

Atlanta needs 24-hour transit.

Is it really necessary for Paul Broun to drag Santa Claus into the anti-Obamacare hysteria? Can we expect the Easter Bunny to be forced into this in a few months?

If I made discriminating comments at a work-related function, I'd be fired, too. You can't scream "freedom of speech" at work.

The real problem with money is those who have it look down on those who don't.

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