Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching.

Like many parents, MLK would probably be very embarrassed by his children.

Some people making minimum wage are making more than they are worth.

The confederate flag is part of all our history, just as slavery is. You may choose to discount it, but you sure can't deny the southern history.

Nobody seems to be thankful for anything until it is gone. We might just need to go back to being thankful for daily bread. Ya think?

So hard to believe that anyone would want to copy Minaj's look.

If you are supplying clean syringes to addicts, don't kid yourself… you are still an enabler of death.

Some of your vents are clever but misspelled words diminish their worth. Proofread before you send.

Jimmy Fallon's run on The Tonight Show won't last over 18 months if he has to be involved in every bit on the show. There will never be another Johnny Carson.

You know, if guns are allowed in churches, they should be allowed in the Gold dome. Fair is fair.

I predict the Atlanta trolley will be a huge money maker, just like the Atlanta Dream.

The older I get the more I realize I'm not prejudice. I hate everybody.

Neighbors, put your tools in your garage and clean up the trash in your yard. The rest of us up and down the street are sick of picking up your trash in our yards where the winds blow it and we're sick of seeing all your tools outside your garage! Tools belong inside a garage and not in front of it!

Why don't we eliminate specialty license plates entirely & that will resolve this entire business!! Everything is always taken to extremes!

The venter questioning IRS refunds, there are actually several different answers to your question. One is that some tax credits are refundable even if you owe no taxes. You are just not knowledgeable of all the tax laws. And you certainly are not alone.

It's weird that now, people who drive higher ecologically designed cars (ie Prius) are stereotyped as educated environmentalists, when we're actually just wanting to save money on gas.

Please clean up the East-West Connector in Cobb County! Start at South Cobb Drive and head westward. The litter and shabby vegetation are an eyesore!

Maybe it's time for a pipeline for water rather than oil!

BMW spends millions on Olympic advertising while their website has been down for days. How can no one at BMW notice?

I am waiting to burn my trash pile until my neighbors are having a cook-out with their friends!

Let's not attend anymore Braves games until the new stadium is completed. Afterall everyone is afraid of downtown.

All my life, people have been telling me this country was about to collapse. Hasn't happened yet.

If you can put a Confederate flag on your car license plate for historical reasons, next someone will want a swastika on theirs. Some symbols are not neutral.

I take it Ted Nugent is fishing for a job with Fox News.