Q: A recent article mentioned 12 rural independent telephone companies in Georgia. What are the names and locations of those companies?

Bryant Steele, Rome

A: Following the passage of HB 168, which was intended to reduce subsidies, 12 previously deregulated local telephone companies made filings with the Georgia Public Service Commission in December to return to rate regulation so they could continue to receive phone subsidies from the state's universal access fund paid into by all phone subscribers. The companies included Alma Telephone Company, Blue Ridge Telephone Company, Brantley Telephone Company, Camden Telephone Company, ComSouth Telecommunications, Darien Telephone Company, Hart Telephone Company, Nelson-Ball Ground Telephone Company, Pembroke Telephone Company, Pineland Telephone Company, Plant Telephone Company and Ringgold Telephone Company. The Georgia Telephone Association website www.gta.org provides addresses and contact information for many of those companies.

Q: How are ball and bat boys selected for the Atlanta Braves?

Scott Stachowski, Milton

A: People over 16 can call the Braves at 404-522-7630 and ask for Human Resources/Hiring, a Braves spokesperson told Q&A on the News in an email. Applicants can submit an application, "and we go from there," the spokesperson wrote. "A lot of it is based on recommendations."

Lori Johnston wrote this column; Kristi E. Swartz contributed. Do you have a question about the news? We’ll try to get the answer. Call 404-222-2002 or email q&a@ajc.com (include name, phone and city).