Q: My husband and I watched the Peachtree Road Race and during the first couple of waves of runners, we noticed about a dozen young men wearing burgundy jerseys that said, "Pace Runner." And they were carrying little burgundy pennant shaped flags with a numeral on them. What was that all about? — Barbara Ribner, Decatur

A: Those gentlemen are escorts for the women's race, Tracy Lott, spokeswoman for the Atlanta Track Club, told Q&A on the News. "Since our professional women and men all start at the same time, the escorts are used to draw more attention to the top women's runners. The numbers on their flags denote the place that each woman is in," Lott wrote in an email. This also helps alert people when the first women runners are coming to the finish line.

Q: Who are the top five highest paid NBA coaches? — Constante A. Domingo, Honolulu

A: Boston's Glenn "Doc" Rivers, who played for the Atlanta Hawks from 1983-91, makes $7 million a year after recently signing a five-year, $35 million contract extension. New York's Mike D'Antoni and San Antonio's Gregg Popovich each make $6 million a year, according to a Forbes.com article. Portland's Nate McMillan made $5 million in 2010-11 according to aolnews.com and recently signed a two-year contract extension. Rick Carlisle, who led Dallas to the 2011 NBA championship, and Denver coach George Karl both make about $4.5 million a year, according to various sources.

Lori Johnston wrote this column. Do you have a question about the news? We’ll try to get the answer. Call 404-222-2002 or e-mail q&a@ajc.com (include name, phone and city).