Q: Where can you find information on Georgia road projects online? I am specifically interested in the construction on Gravel Springs Road/Ga. 324 in Buford -- will this new bridge be an exit for I-85?

-- Jimmy Saviano, Buford

A: To view details related to Georgia Department of Transportation projects, start at www.dot.ga.gov/informationcenter, then click on active projects. At this time, the bridge will not become an access point on or off of the interstate, DOT spokeswoman Jill Goldberg told Q&A on the News. She wrote in an e-mail that the project will replace the bridge over I-85 with a four-lane divided bridge to match Ga. 324 and will allow for future corridor growth.

Q: How many wives has Newt Gingrich had? Is it true that he presented his first wife with divorce papers when she was in the hospital fighting cancer? Most importantly, is she still living?

-- Marceline Haver, Decatur

A: Gingrich has had three marriages. His first wife -- Jackie Battley -- is still alive, according to The Associated Press. He married his second wife, Marianne Ginther, in 1981. The former U.S. House speaker admitted to having an affair during his second marriage with a former congressional aide, Callista Bisek, whom he married in 2000. Esquire reported in 2010 that Gingrich presented his first wife divorce terms while she was in the hospital recovering from uterine cancer.

Lori Johnston wrote this column. Do you have a question about the news? We’ll try to get the answer. Call 404-222-2002 or e-mail q&a@ajc.com (include name, phone and city).