Update: Sandy Springs (Fulton)

Last summer, Anne Palmer told us about an issue in Sandy Springs.

“You are doing a super service to us—thank you. We tried to turn left off of Johnson Ferry Road today, on to Meridian Mark Drive. However, there is no street sign showing Meridian Mark Drive. This is in Fulton County,” she wrote.

Palmer said when she was finally able to reach the office manager, the manager said that most everyone who comes there complains about no street sign and how difficult it is to get to their office.

“There was a Sun Trust Bank at the corner of Johnson Ferry Road and Meridian Mark. To our dismay, and unfortunately, the bank was demolished, so there is no landmark at Meridian Mark,” she added.

City officials responded within a day that a sign had been placed, and said last week the city will be adding overhead street name signs on the mast arms later this year.

Days on the list: 1

Who got it fixed: Sandy Springs Communications Director Sharon Kraun, skraun@SandySpringsga.gov

Item: (Tucker) DeKalb

Carol Gee has an issue with potholes.

“There are several potholes on Rays Road on both sides of the street from Rays Road to East Ponce DeLeon and from Rays Road to Memorial Drive. There is a very deep one right after crossing Central on the left-hand side right at a pedestrian crosswalk that could blow out a tire, possibly causing a serious accident. Others are increasingly getting deeper. Now would be a good time to repair while schools are out as several school buses pick up and drop off children along that route,” Gee said.

We sent the item to the county and will let you know when it is fixed.

Days on the list: 2

Who’s looking into it: Communications Manager Andrew Cauthen, acauthen@dekalbcountyga.gov

Item: Decatur (DeKalb)

Linda Grivas has an issue with a sinkhole.

“I am a resident of the Laurel Ridge area and came upon a sinkhole on one of my numerous walks in the neighborhood. It’s the location of the sinkhole that has me concerned. It is in the crosswalk on Balsam Drive directly across the street from Laurel Ridge School. The street is crumbling around the sinkhole, and could possibly become larger. I am concerned for all the children and adults who cross this way every day. There is an orange cone covering the hole at this time,” she wrote.

We sent the item to DeKalb County and will keep you updated.

Days on the list: 2

Who’s looking into it: Communications Manager Andrew Cauthen, acauthen@dekalbcountyga.gov