Item: Atlanta (DeKalb)
Kim Woodland wants something done about a situation in DeKalb County that has been going on for months.
“Several months ago, DeKalb County water employees replaced some water infrastructure in front of 1224 Stillwood Drive. They filled the holes in the asphalt with gravel. Over time, the rains washed away the gravel and created huge holes. About three weeks to a month ago, a DeKalb road crew placed large metal plates over the holes,” she wrote.
She said the plates are on a slope and have started to move as cars pass over them. She also said they make a terrible racket as vehicles drive over the top of them.
“You can see in the photo how the top plate has shifted away from the asphalt put around the edges. I’ve called the DeKalb roads department and sent a request that the holes be patched to Jeff Rader, the DeKalb County commissioner for this area. I know there are more pressing issues at this time, but this is a hazard,” she said.
We sent her issue to the county.
Days on the list: 2
Who’s getting it fixed: Communications Manager Andrew Cauthen,
Item: Atlanta (DeKalb)
Lucie Coulton wrote to us about Briarcliff Way.
“This small street off of Briarcliff is a danger to pedestrians and vehicles. I tripped while jogging here several months ago, and tore my rotator cuff and broke a finger because the sidewalk and street are so compromised. Nothing has been done to correct this serious problem. The street is heavily used because it connects Briarcliff and Henderson Mill. I would appreciate your help in resolving this issue,” she said.
We sent her issue to the county.
Days on the list: 2
Who’s getting it fixed: Communications Manager Andrew Cauthen,
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