Item: Stockbridge (Henry)

As the new year begins, we’ll start by reminding our friendly government officials of items that didn’t get fixed last year. Our leaders got numerous items repaired for our readers last year, but there are still a number that need fixing.

The first item is one we consistently hear about: bad striping jobs on roads and highways. Lanelle La Rue is the latest reader to vent his frustrations over striping.

“There is a stretch of I-75 south of I-675 that has never been re-striped since the express lanes were installed. It is almost impossible to know which lane you are in, especially early in the early morning when the sun is coming up or when it is raining because the lanes shift. I am surprised there have not been more wrecks there. Please let the GDOT people know before a major wreck happens if it hasn’t already happened. I try not to travel that section of I-75 unless I have to,” he wrote.

We sent his concerns to the DOT in November and will let you know when it is fixed.

Days on the list: 65

Who’s looking into it: DOT spokesman Natalie Dale,

Item: Kennesaw (Cobb County)

Nancy O’ Brien has an issue with a confusing sign that she believes is a long distance from where it should be located.

“The sign for the I-75 expressway was placed far away from the actual turn. It should be at the corner of Barrett Lakes Boulevard and Big Shanty Road in Kennesaw, but they put the sign about an eighth of a mile away near a Hyundai dealership,” she wrote.

We sent her concerns about the sign to the DOT in October and will let you know when it is moved or adjusted.

Days on the list: 90

Who’s looking into it: Georgia Department of Transportation spokeswoman Natalie Dale,