Update-DeKalb County
In Late August, we told you about a reader’s concern over a large hole at 1099 East Clifton Road in DeKalb County. We got an update last week from officials.
“Please know that the county plans to have the hole at 1099 East Clifton Road repaired by the end of next week. Please share this update with readers,” said county officials.
Days on list: 53
Who’s looking into it: Communications Manager Andrew Cauthen, acauthen@dekalbcountyga.gov
Last week, we heard about Lanelle LaRue’s concern over a busy southside highway.
“The striping at the end of the north bound exit lane off I-75 for Morrow/Lake City close to Ga. Highway 54/Jonesboro Road needs to be redrawn. At the end of the exit ramp there is one right turn lane and two left turn lanes onto Hwy. 54. However, the curb exit lane as now drawn, leads everybody into a turn only lane, which is confusing and dangerous if you are going straight north on 54/Jonesboro Road,” she said.
We heard back from the department.
“We will have our engineers in the District Traffic Operations office take a look at the operation of the ramp intersection. The current lanes on the ramp are designed similarly to many other ramps in the area and take into consideration turning traffic that goes both north and south on Hwy 54. If there are last minute maneuvers from vehicles attempting to make a left turn from the right curb lane, we will consider additional signing or pavement marking to address any issues we find in our field investigation,” wrote spokeswoman Natalie Dale.
Days on list-7
Who’s looking into: Georgia Department of Transportation spokeswoman Natalie Dale, ndale@dot.ga.gov
New item-Atlanta
Theresa Johnson hopes a storm drain can soon be repaired.
“One of the metal storm drain covers, at the corner of Barnett Street and Drewry Street, in Virginia Highland, is smashed in. It is on the Drewry side. This was reported to the city about a month ago,” Johnson wrote.
Days on list-6
Who’s looking into it: City of Atlanta Department of Public Works Commissioner William Johnson, 404-330-6240, wmjohnson@atlantaga.gov
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