Update-Cobb County
Last week, we told you about Peggy King’s hope that something can be done about an unusual situation in Cobb County.
“Fortunately (due to an extremely long light) there is a legal right turn on red onto busy Johnson Ferry Road at the south east corner of Oak Lane. However, a neighborhood was developed adjacent to this intersection and decided to plant tall thick perennials which block site line of cars attempting to turn right into Johnson Ferry. I personally love plants, however feel safety of drivers should be a priority in this situation,” King wrote.
We sent the issue to Cobb County and they responded quickly.
“Cobb DOT took a look at the intersection referenced and determined they’d have to purchase right-of-way to deal with the vegetation. So instead they will prohibit right turns on red at that intersection which should mitigate the line of sight problems,” said director Ross Cavitt.
Days on list-6
Who’s looking into it: Ross Cavitt, public information officer, govpio@cobbcommunications.org
New item-Atlanta
Barbara Aden is not happy over the driving conditions on the westside of Atlanta.
Last Wednesday, as I drove down Bellemeade (off of Howell Mill Road) towards Northside Drive, I hit a huge pothole and tore my tire. As many new cars no longer have spares, I drove to a safe place, waited two hours for a tow truck and then was taken to the dealership. A new tire and alignment resulted from my hitting the pothole,” she wrote.
She said the street was very shady, and I did not see it in time, but she is sure many others have had the same thing happen to them.
“The hole is large enough that it should have been covered with a metal plate. Unfortunately for me, it was a very costly experience. Hopefully it has been fixed, but I would appreciate it if you would please look into this.”
We sent the item to the city and will keep you updated.
Days on list-6
Who’s looking into it: City of Atlanta Department of Public Works Commissioner William Johnson, 404-330-6240, wmjohnson@atlantaga.gov
New item-DeKalb County
Susan Widamayer is tired of a giant hole near her home at 2606 Woodwardia Road.
“It has grown in the past three years to nearly encompass the entire travel side as cars are ascending the street. In fact, the pavement in the middle of the road is beginning to collapse,” she wrote.
We sent the item to DeKalb County and will let you know when it is fixed.
Days on list: 6
Who’s looking into it: Communications Manager Andrew Cauthen, acauthen@dekalbcountyga.gov
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