New item-Atlanta

Ken Hunt, along with several of his neighbors, wants a neighborhood street fixed.

“I am writing in coordination with several of my neighbors, to call your attention to the unsafe condition of the asphalt paving Burton Drive. This short street has experienced heavy traffic in recent time, especially during rush hour, being used as a short cut for through traffic on Briarcliff Road,” he wrote.

He said the condition of this street is rapidly deteriorating, creating unsafe driving condition and risking damage to vehicles.

“Kindly advise how to proceed so that we can have this street repaved before the condition worsens. I look forward to your advice and action,” he added.

We sent this to the city and will keep you updated.

Days on list-6

Who’s looking into it: City of Atlanta Department of Public Works Commissioner William Johnson, 404-330-6240,

New item-DOT

Gayle Hickman is concerned over interstate striping.

“Even though construction is ongoing, could someone please restripe the lanes of I-75 heading south after I-285 has exited to the right? The lanes have shifted, and it is difficult to determine your lane. This is an accident waiting to happen as it almost happened to me last week. Our out-of-town travelers need this fixed before they head through this area for the holidays,” Hickman wrote.

We sent the issue to the DOT and will keep you updated.

Days on list-6

Who’s looking into: Georgia Department of Transportation spokeswoman Natalie Dale,

New item-DOT

Debbie McKeen is concerned over Ga. Highway 92 in Woodstock.

“Hwy.92 in Woodstock has a number of intersections that now use a blinking yellow light for the turn lane which has helped the flow of traffic.

At the intersection of Wigley Road and Hwy. 92 there is a serious situation that could become a deadly situation if not addressed. This intersection is used by many motorists for a u-turn as residents that need to travel east have only a westward exit from their subdivisions and neighborhoods. There are more and more homes being built causing the traffic to increase,” she wrote.

McKeen said that she just wants to see a “no right turn on red sign” be installed on Wigley before an accident occurs, or even a death, as the cars traveling on HWY 92 are traveling at a speed of 55 mph or more.

We sent her concern to the DOT and will keep you updated.

Days on list-6

Who’s looking into: Georgia Department of Transportation spokeswoman Natalie Dale,