New item-Atlanta

A Midtown resident is frustrated with the lack of action on a major thoroughfare.

“When is the city going to finish working on North Avenue between Peachtree Street and Juniper ? They dug up the street back in December and then stopped working. They left cones and erosion bags in a pile. They also left a bunch of plates in the right turning lane onto Courtland,” David Rogie said.

He also added that if you are heading east on North Avenue, there is no warning about the lane closure until your cross Peachtree and run into the blinking left arrow sign.

We sent the item to the city and will keep you posted.

Days on list-6

Who’s looking into it: City of Atlanta Department of Public Works Commissioner Richard Mendoza, 404-330-6240,

New item-Atlanta

Margaret Hester alerted us of a problem that has been irritating residents for months.

“For months (or more) there has been a water leak in front of 2172 Peachtree Road that has leaked constantly day and night, and runs down the hill, which happens to be going north,” she wrote.

We sent the issue to the city and will let you know when it’s resolved.

Days on list-6

Who’s looking into it: City of Atlanta Department of Public Works Commissioner Richard Mendoza, 404-330-6240,

New item-I-75 and I-85

In late April, we told you about Jim Gibson’s frustrations with the lack of lane markings on two of the region’s busiest interstates.

“For years I’ve been amazed at the near-complete lack of lane markings on the awful ramp from Interstate 75 S to Interstate 85 N. That has to be one of the busiest spots in town, and it seems almost criminal to me that the lanes aren’t marked better,” he said.

We learned from a DOT representative that the I-75 resurfacing is scheduled for an August letting, while the 1-85 resurfacing lets in December.

Days on list: 20

Who’s looking into it: Natalie Dale, Georgia Department of ‍Transportation,