New item—and fixed! Atlanta

Gary Shelton wants an area fixed around his business.

“Our address is 3405 Empire Boulevard at Hollow Tree Road. We have seen trucks (18 wheelers) get stuck in the large pot hole about once every two weeks. The city/county has been in the area and scraped the road a block away over six months ago but never came back to fix it,” the reader wrote.

We got a quick response back from the city.

“The pot holes located at 3405 Empire Blvd. at Hollow Tree Road have been repaired. It is also important to note that Hollow Tree Road and Empire Boulevard are on the Renew Atlanta infrastructure bond master list of streets to be reconstructed,” said Christina Cruz-Benton, who is a press information officer with the city.

Days on list-2

Who’s looking into it: City of Atlanta Department of Public Works Commissioner Richard Mendoza, 404-330-6240,

Update-DeKalb County

In late June, we told you about Keith Wiseman’s vent over a road in DeKalb County.

“Between 2218 and 2230 Brannen Road is a right of way for Boulder Road.This road was apparently never built. DeKalb County owns this property and it was included in code enforcement complaints I made in 2014 and twice in 2015,” he wrote.

He said the property has not been touched in years and is in violation of city codes.

We learned from DeKalb County the issue had been fixed July 11.

Days on list-17

Who’s looking into it: DeKalb County Chief Communications Officer Burke Brennan,

Update-DeKalb County

Last week, we told you about a minister’s concerns.

“I have lived in a development off Katie Kerr Drive in Decatur for a little more than four and a half years.

“In that time DeKalb County Watershed Management has been at Ashbury Heights Road and Katie Kerr Drive at least five times per year, if not more, with four or five large trucks, bulldozers, back hoes, and at least 20 men,” wrote Rev. Kimberly LeVert. She said they do the same “repair” every time —— water is turned off, street and yards are dug up, dirt is replaced, new stones placed in the ditch, and straw spread around on the mud, water comes back on after several hours of interrupted service.

We heard back from the county.

“This is a large 30-inch waterline which is part of Phase 3 of the Scott Boulevard water line replacement project which is one of the items planned for the $1.35 billion water and sewer upgrades that are taking place in DeKalb County.

“These large projects are long term, multi-million dollar projects that take a lot of time to complete. In this case the design includes re-routing the line from between the creek and houses constructed extremely close to the line to a different location. The pipe is 50 years old and was in place before the houses were constructed,” replied Chief Communications Officer Burke Brennan.

Brennan said the design is complete and the county is acquiring easements now. Once easements are in hand we should be able to place this project out for bid this year and begin construction in 2016.

Days on list-8

Who’s looking into it: DeKalb County Chief Communications Officer Burke Brennan,