A random selection of 1,200 Suwanee households will receive an invitation to participate in the 2014 National Citizen Survey, which measures eight aspects of community livability: community engagement, education and enrichment, recreation and wellness, economy, built environment, natural environment, safety, and mobility.

This marks the fourth time Suwanee will participate in the survey, which is administered by the National Research Center and International City/County Management Association on behalf of local jurisdictions. The city typically conducts the survey every two years. The randomly selected residents’ responses, which are anonymous, are tabulated by the National Research Center and benchmarked with more than 500 other local jurisdictions around the country.

Results from the 2012 survey indicated that 99 percent of residents found Suwanee an excellent or good place to live and would recommend living in Suwanee. Suwanee was ranked No. 1 by its residents, compared to other participating jurisdictions, in four categories: land use, planning, and zoning; preservation of natural areas; city parks; and availability of affordable quality childcare.

Also, based on 2012 results, Suwanee received three ICMA Voice of the People awards last year. These awards are presented to jurisdictions with the highest-rated services according to survey results. Suwanee won for its parks, code enforcement, and overall service quality.