Two students tested positive for tuberculosis at Newnan High School in Coweta County, but health officials insist that does not mean they have the infection.

Testing started after a student at Newnan high landed in the hospital.

The school sent home forms with more than 100 students who were tested because they came in close contact with the classmate, who health officials say is sick.

Last week, the department of public health tested 118 students and teachers at the school. Two of them had positive skin reactions.

"Positive skin test does not mean that they have it.  They've simply been exposed to it at some point during their lifetime,” said Hayla Folden with the Georgia Department of Health.

Folden told Channel 2’s Berndt Petersen the positive tests will not keep the students out of school, insisting they are not contagious; however, the students will get chest x-rays to make sure there is no TB.

Students told Petersen some kids were initially worried after their friend ended up in the hospital

"They were freaking out pretty big because he was friends with him,” said student William Gable. “We had people staying out of school.  (One friend) stayed out of school a good couple of days."

Health officials told parents not one student actually has TB and that they have no plans to test the rest of the student body.

Parents say they were relieved.

“Oh very relieved because I was scared to death,” said Donna Gable. “All the diseases going around, tuberculosis, Ebola, your heart just sinks.