An illegal alien says it's illegal for him to be charged for not having a driver's license or registered vehicle because it discriminates against illegal aliens. What!?
Just because you're a customer doesn't give you the right to be abusive.
Common sense is not common.
We should be embarrassed to think our government is the democratic model for all the world to follow when corrupt representatives gloat over their flawed examples of honesty.
Our government is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic but it is becoming Democracy where the "mob rules."
Why is it we've have ended the war in Iraq and we're winding down the war in Afghanistan, yet government spending is still rising?
I served in the Navy and I paid taxes while doing so.
I don't know why the Auburn Tree Killer loves 'Bama and hates Auburn. He wouldn't have been accepted as a student at either one.
I wish we could weed out those people that don't pay any income taxes from posting on the vent.
We can childproof a bottle of aspirin. Why not a gun?
The best gig in town is GA Representative; business lobbyists line your pockets and voters actually think you're the greatest thing that ever happened.
You shouldn't try to tell a cab driver how to get somewhere.
Give it up with Benghazi! Seven embassies were attacked during W's reign and 31 of our ambassadors and embassy employees were killed and 9 were injured. Where's your concern and outrage over that?