The Smyrna City Council voted 4-2-1 Monday not to attempt to increase the salaries of the mayor and city council members.

Opposed to the salary increases were Councilwomen Andrea Blustein and Melleny C. Pritchett and Councilmen Ron Fennel and Charles Welch.

Supporting the increases were Councilman Wade Lnenicka, the measure’s sponsor, and Councilwoman Susan Wilkinson.

Councilwoman Teri Anulewicz was absent.

Lnenicka said he wanted to begin the process of changing the city charter through the state legislature so that the council could approve the salary increases and have them begin in 2016 after the city elections in November.

“We are well compensated for what we do, so I am not going to support a raise. We are right there with every other city of our size - Roswell and Sandy Springs,” Welch said.

“If we calculated it by the hour, I think we may be in the minimum wage category. But it is a public service, so the compensation is not a determinant for me because I have been so blessed. I realize others may find it to be more important,” Fennel said.

Mayor A. Max Bacon said, “Smyrna is the highest paid council. I don’t think there is a need to increase the salaries.”

On the council for seven terms, Lnenicka said six of the last seven city councils have increased the salaries of the ones who would follow them - except during the Great Recession since city employees were not receiving pay increases.

“All of us should be doing it for service only and none of us for personal financial gain,” Lnenicka added. “Some would like to serve but would like to depend on that salary to make up for the losses in their civilian salary. Otherwise, only an elite group would be able to serve.”