While milling Kadleston Way Friday, city contractors uncovered a couple of sink holes in the roadway near DeKalb County’s sewer mains. A significant void under the road requires DeKalb’s immediate attention before the city can complete paving there.
Contractors secured covers over the two sinkholes using metal plates and postponed paving the road until DeKalb can assess and repair the fissure, which should take place next week. Due to that delay, the contractor has mobilized on Silver Lake Drive to complete patches along the road and cul-de-sac.
Saturday’s target road was Mabry Lane. Work on Brookhaven Lane began on Monday, wrapping up the remainder of the week through Wednesday with Oakbrook Way from Osborne Road to the dead end.
The contractor plans to begin paving Devine Circle on Nov. 30.
Information: www.brookhavenga.gov.
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