Sandy Springs announced three public hearings in the coming weeks on next year’s millage rate – 4.731 mills, as set in the city’s charter and unchanged since the city’s incorporation in 2005.

Hearings are set for 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 16, and 7:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1 Galambos Way.

The budget tentatively adopted by the mayor and City Council requires a millage rate higher than the rollback millage rate, officials said. This would increase property taxes levied this year by 3.05 percent over the rollback.

Sandy Springs’ $489.87 million budget for the 2020 fiscal year contains a 3 percent salary increase for eligible city employees and funding for such projects as $4 million to replace Fire Station 2, $2.5 million for a cultural center, $1.5 million for North End Revitalization, and more than $2 million for parks.
