The Sandy Springs City Council approved an ordinance recently allowing outside consumption of alcoholic drinks at the City Springs downtown redevelopment.

The Council established an Alcohol Sales and Consumption District in anticipation of several restaurants in City Springs, now being built, hosting festivals during the year, according to a staff report for the Council meeting. Many may want to sell to-go cups of alcohol and to serve alcohol at city events.

The ordinance approved Tuesday establishes an alcohol consumption district bounded by Mount Vernon Highway, Sandy Springs Circle, and Johnson Ferry and Roswell roads. It also includes the city parking lot between Mount Vernon and Hildebrand Drive.

The measure allows no more than two drinks per person to be served as a time, in plastic cups only, up to 16 ounces in size. Cans, bottles and glasses will be prohibited.

Alcohol sales for outside consumption will be limited to licensed businesses within City Springs. Council members talked about nearby restaurants that might wish to participate. “Council voted to establish the immediate district as a start and would be open to considering requests” from businesses in the immediate area, a city spokeswoman said.