The Roswell City Council has approved purchasing another land parcel along Holcomb Bridge Road – nine acres at the intersection with Eves Road known as the Hawkins Property.

Roswell will pay up to $950,000 for the site, with the seller – eight individuals, according to the sales contract – making a charitable contribution to the city of about 2.7 of the 9 acres.

The purchase completes "the assemblage of primary properties to create 'Seven Branches,'" the Coalition for East Roswell Progress said on its Facebook page, referring to the future parkland. The city previously acquired the 34-acre Shirley Property and 7.5-acre Hawthorne Property on Holcomb Bridge.

In related action, the council approved applying for a $3 million loan from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund of the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority to finance the acquisition and closing costs of the Shirley and Hawthorne parcels. Staff recommended that the city seek a loan from GEFA’s Land Conservation Program to finance the Hawkins purchase.