The Governor’s Commission on the City of South Fulton, will hold its first townhall meeting 6:30 p.m. Jan. 17 at the WCYE Sr. High Building of World Changers Church International, 2500 Burdett Road, College Park. The meeting will begin with the introduction of commission members followed by a formal discussion on the transition process.
In December, Gov. Nathan Deal named the following individuals to the Governor’s Commission on South Fulton: Chair Camilla J. Moore, Sen. Donzella James, Rep. Roger Bruce, Josh Belinfante and Kevin Grimes.
“We look forward to sharing with citizens the process in which our commission prepares for the establishment of the city of South Fulton by facilitating the provision of community services and facilities, the collection of taxes and fees, and the negotiation of intergovernmental agreements,” said Moore.
Additional meetings will be scheduled in the coming weeks.
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