Cobb County transit issues and the proposed Powder Springs Fiscal Year 2019 Budget will be the topics of a Town Hall meeting at 7 p.m. May 10 at the American Legion Post 294, 3282 Florence Road, Powder Springs.

A session with Cobb County officials about transit and FLEXBUS services will be followed by the city’s presentation of the proposed FY19 city budget that may include the first city tax increase in at least a decade.

This informational meeting will include no actions Mayor Al Thurman and the City Council.

With average annual increases of $58 to $88 to residents, the tax increase - from 8.5 to 9.5 mills - is needed to increase services, grow staff and enhance public amenities with the new downtown city park, according to the city’s Finance Director Diana Belanger.

Additional city budget meetings will be:

  • Budget Open Houses. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. May 22, May 24, May 31. Council Chambers, 4488 Pineview Drive, Powder Springs.
  • Budget first reading by City Council. 7 p.m. May 21. Council Chambers, 4488 Pineview Drive, Powder Springs.
  • Budget vote by City Council. 7 p.m. June 4. Council Chambers, 4488 Pineview Drive, Powder Springs.

FY19 Budget Draft: