The Powder Springs City Council approved expenditures of $108,869 on April 2, including an expansion of the Silver Comet Trail Linear Park.
They cover:
- $37,400 to International Business Solutions, the low bidder, to repair stormwater infrastructure and authorize the temporary closure of roads.
- $34,815 to Tucker Grading and Hauling to clear and install an open space along the Silver Comet Trail Linear Park, next to the basketball court, for passive recreational use with picnic tables and benches until the city secures funding for the next full phase of the linear park.
- $15,386 to the city's current IT professional services vendor, VC3, to provide an email platform upgrade through the implementation of Office 365 to provide additional email security measures and address data storage overages.
- $9,375 to Peek Pavement Marking to stripe certain sections of Old Lost Mountain Road.
- $6,793 to Knine All Systems to install a converged access control system at the Ford Center Reception Hall. At the conclusion of an event, this system would secure the facility without assigning a city employee to report after hours to close and lock the facility. Instead police officers on duty, following the event's conclusion, will check the facility during their shift to confirm that the facility is secured and locked.
- $5,100 to Southern Actuarial Services to provide other post-employment benefits valuation services.
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