If a General Obligation Bond for schools’ renovation and new construction isn’t passed by voters in November, City Schools Decatur is looking at many more portable classrooms according to Superintendent Phyllis Edwards. When the school board on Feb. 10 approved asking city commissioners to put an $82.47 million bond on the ballot, it was a rare case of going against Edwards’ recommendation.

“I’m trying to be careful, cautious, pragmatic,” said Edwards, who preferred a $75 million bond. “If you come in with a less-stronger position, everybody will be more amenable. If we don’t get it passed, then we’re either adding more portables, or we will have to cut the existing budget substantially, meaning we lose a lot of good programs already underfunded.”

The last time the city and school system collaborated on a GO bond was in 2007 for $32 million to build Decatur High School’s arena and football field.