Phase 1 of Main Street streetscape in Forest Park compete

Phase 1 of Forest Park’s streetscape project includes a water fountain and brick paver handicap accessible sidewalks. Courtesy of Forest Park.

Phase 1 of Forest Park’s streetscape project includes a water fountain and brick paver handicap accessible sidewalks. Courtesy of Forest Park.

Phase 1 of Forest Park’s LCI Main Street Downtown Streetscape Project is complete. The second phase, which ends at Highway 54 (Jonesboro Road), is in the engineering stage. The SPLOST funded project’s estimated budget is around $5 million.

Features include brick paver handicap accessible sidewalks, landscaping, bicycle racks, trash receptacles, benches, and decorative pedestrian lighting on Main Street. The new town center is located in the realignment of College/Ash/Main Street and has a water fountain and town clock.