The Paulding County Board of Commissioners is scheduled to vote on whether to approve a millage rate of 6.5 mills at 9 a.m. Aug. 13.

This last of three public hearings will be held at the Paulding County Watson Government Complex, Administration Building, 2nd floor Board of Commissioners meeting room, 240 Constitution Blvd., Dallas off U.S. 278.

If approved, that rate will result in an increase of .847 mills.

Without this tentative tax increase, the millage rate will be no more than 5.653 mills.

If approved, the annual tax increase for a house with a fair market value of $150,000 would be about $49.13.

The proposed annual tax increase for nonhomestead property with a fair market value of $125,000 would be around $42.35.

Previous millage rates in recent years have been:

  • 6.079 in 2018
  • 6.5 in 2017
  • 6.188 in 2016
  • 6.528 in 2015
  • 7.267 in 2014
