Parking lots close temporarily at Kennesaw Mountain

Parking lots and Kennesaw Mountain Drive will be closed at Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park at various times Feb. 14-16 while the asphalt is improved by a crack-sealing process. AJC file photo

Parking lots and Kennesaw Mountain Drive will be closed at Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park at various times Feb. 14-16 while the asphalt is improved by a crack-sealing process. AJC file photo

Beginning Feb. 14, specific parking lots and roads within Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park will be closed temporarily while improved by crack sealing the asphalt.

  • Feb. 14: The Visitor Center Parking Lot will be crack sealed and closed until around noon Feb. 14. Visitors wishing to use this parking lot will be directed to the overflow parking lot off Old Highway 41 that is about one-quarter mile from the Visitor Center.
  • Feb. 15: The mountain-top parking lot and Kennesaw Mountain Drive will be crack sealed. The Mountain Road will be closed all day.
  • Feb. 16: Old 41 Parking Lot, Burnt Hickory Parking Lot and the Illinois Monument Parking Lot, 957 Cheatham Hill Drive will be closed while the asphalt is crack sealed.

Information: 770-427-4686,