Norcross releases draft comprehensive plan for review

Norcross has released a draft 2040 Comprehensive Plan for public review. Courtesy City of Norcross

Norcross has released a draft 2040 Comprehensive Plan for public review. Courtesy City of Norcross

The draft Norcross 2040 Comprehensive Plan is now available for review. The plan and the technical addendum can be accessed at The public is invited to visit the plan page, view both documents, and provide comments via that page directly to the planning team. In addition, a paper copy is available for review and comment by the public at City Hall, 65 Lawrenceville St. in Norcross.

The comprehensive plan is a policy guide for making rezoning and capital investment decisions and sets policies for city officials and staff concerning the future development of Norcross. The city is in the process of updating its comprehensive plan and developing a new Unified Development Ordinance which will combine all zoning and development regulations into one complete document.