Ordinance changes that would revise Fayetteville’s rules about alcoholic beverage sales got a first reading at the City Council’s July 2 meeting.

Downtown Development Director Brian Wismer went through a list of proposed changes to Chapter 10 of the city code, based on new circumstances related to new commercial enterprises.

Among the changes would be allowing businesses in designated entertainment districts to have both on- and off-premises beverage sales; regulating tap houses (serving craft beer or wine) and gaming centers (which would combine recreation activities with alcohol sales); and allowing businesses such as art studios or cooking classes to let patrons bring their own alcoholic beverages.

The revised rules would also eliminate the 40-seat minimum requirement for venues to obtain an alcohol license, which would allow smaller boutique-style establishments to offer alcohol sales. Sales of “alcoholic frozen consumables,” which are essentially booze-infused ice cream, would also be permitted.

A final version of the revised ordinance will get a second reading and most likely a vote at the council’s July 16 meeting.