The mayor and city council of Morrow have called a special meeting for 9 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 11 at the Morrow Municipal Complex 1500 Morrow Road, Morrow.

According to the agenda, there will be presentations from vendors for a contract to provide branding for the city.

A Request For Proposals was sent earlier in the summer with a deadline of July 2.

The project is to develop a city of Morrow brand – logo, message, caption and story. With tailored messages for specialized audiences as well as comprehensive branding for web, print, digital ads, signage, apparel, etc.

The development of the brand should consider all of Morrow’s assets which will be identified during development.

Morrow’s community is diverse, and the development of the brand should include outreach to the Vietnamese and Hispanic/Latino businesses and residents, according to the RFP.


About the Author


Mack Jackson and Tracy Wheeler

Credit: File photos