The McDonough City Council placed two rezoning requests, including one annexation, on its Oct. 21 workshop meeting agenda for public hearings.
One is a 0.57-acre tract on the northeast corner of Exit 218 (Hwy. 20/81) at I-75, with a proposed annexation and lateral rezoning from C-2 (general commercial) in the county to C-2 in the city. The other is for a 0.86-acre site at 200 Atlanta Street with a request for OI (office-institutional) zoning.
A separate rezoning request for a 29.45-acre site on South Point Blvd. was sent back to the Planning Commission for further review. That request is for RM-75 (multi-family residential) zoning with two variances pertaining to increase in the permitted units per acre and the height limits under the architectural design standards.
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