The McDonough City Council placed two rezoning requests, including one annexation, on its Oct. 21 workshop meeting agenda for public hearings.

One is a 0.57-acre tract on the northeast corner of Exit 218 (Hwy. 20/81) at I-75, with a proposed annexation and lateral rezoning from C-2 (general commercial) in the county to C-2 in the city. The other is for a 0.86-acre site at 200 Atlanta Street with a request for OI (office-institutional) zoning.

A separate rezoning request for a 29.45-acre site on South Point Blvd. was sent back to the Planning Commission for further review. That request is for RM-75 (multi-family residential) zoning with two variances pertaining to increase in the permitted units per acre and the height limits under the architectural design standards.

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8/26/17 - Atlanta, GA - Georgia leaders, including Gov. Nathan Deal, Sandra Deal, members of the King family, and Rep. Calvin Smyre,  were on hand for unveiling of the first statue of Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday at the statehouse grounds, more than three years after Gov. Nathan Deal first announced the project.  During the hour-long ceremony leading to the unveiling of the statue of Martin Luther King Jr. at the state Capitol on Monday, many speakers, including Gov. Nathan Deal, spoke of King's biography. The statue was unveiled on the anniversary of King's famed "I Have Dream" speech. BOB ANDRES  /BANDRES@AJC.COM

Credit: Bob Andres