BUCKHEAD REdeFINED, the community master plan update initiated in Fall 2016, is now complete. Input from nearly 2,000 individuals, guidance from a steering committee of more than 40 community interest groups and Buckhead market data have been analyzed and assembled into a framework that will guide growth and development during the next 10 to 15 years.
The final report – now available to the public via the Livable Buckhead website – recaps the planning process and examines key aspects of the Buckhead market including demographics, housing and traffic. Much has changed in Buckhead over the past decade, with significant growth in both population and jobs.
The eight-month BUCKHEAD REdeFINED process produced a slate of six “big ideas” that will enhance vitality, expand mobility and improve livability throughout Buckhead:
- Provide a district-wide multi-use trail network that links to PATH400 and celebrates area history. The Buckhead Cultural Loop Trail creates a district-wide multi-use trail that is linked to historically and culturally significant features throughout Buckhead.
- Activate and enliven a continuous network of streets and destinations. The street activation program includes public art installations, events and infill retail.
- Enhance mobility to and from GA 400 and beyond. Conduct further study of Lenox interchange at GA 400 and continue study of feasibility for a new interchange at GA 400 and East Paces Ferry Road.
- Foster a distinctive Buckhead identity along Lenox Road. Finalize the Lenox Road Scoping Study to address the Phipps/Monarch ramp and Peachtree/Lenox intersection improvements.
- Diversify housing opportunities. Form a housing committee to assess and conduct a study to determine housing gaps, needs and opportunities.
- Define the civic heart of the community through parks and greenspace. Identify key redevelopment and public space sites to implement the Buckhead Greenspace Plan and determine funding and next steps for the potential development of the Park Over GA 400.
The final BUCKHEAD REdeFINED plan also includes a list of 14 projects that are priorities for implementation within the next five years.
Information: livablebuckhead.org/community/buckhead-redefined/
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